Simply stated. Yes. I wanted to write a little blog post to share with you exactly how I earned an all expense paid trip for my…
SS Beachbody: Did you REALLY Earn a FREE Trip?
Simply stated. Yes. I wanted to write a little blog post to share with you exactly how I earned a trip for my family. I know…
Super Weekend: A Recap from the Biggest Event of the Season
Monday Morning.Recovering. Whirlwind. Presenting Carl and Autumn with Cup of Pittsburgh! As a coach, I participate quarterly in a training event called “Super Saturday.” The event is…
Leadership: The Stuff No One Wants to Talk About
You Matter. So this isn’t my usual post. And it’s certainly not one that I had planned but in light of recent events I am finding…
Stress Eating: Top 5 Tips to Stop it When it Starts!
Hello my name is Katy and I am a stress eater. I have always been, but now I fight to end the trend for myself and…
Success Club Trip Recap: Reflections from Cancun!
Moon Palace Resort in Cancun. Mexico Good Morning friends! I was so excited to write my blog post this week because it’s been crazy to reflect…
Max:30 Month One Results, Testimonial, and Meal Plan
So excited to share with you my thoughts on MONTH ONE of Insanity Max:30. Over 3 years ago I bought Insanity off of an infomercial and…
Super Weekend Recap: My Story and A Few Pictures From A HUGE EVENT!
The Knockout Brigade: Started with 1 Coach- we are now over 800+ strong! Monday Morning.Recovering. Whirlwind. As a coach, I participate quarterly in a training event…
NEW COACHES WANTED- Work from Home Income Opportunity
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about my career as a coach. What exactly do I do? Can it be done part time? What…
Thrive in 1-5: A New Way of Looking at the Old Resolution
So Christmas is over and the New Year is coming soon. You’ve set your goals and this is the year that you will meet your health…