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I’ve Done This Everyday for Five Years, and it’s Changed EVERYTHING.

“The Excuse is the Skin of a Lie Wrapped in Reason.” -Chris Downing

Have you ever found yourself settling for mediocrity?  Ever think to yourself, does it get better than this?
Everything is “ok” but nothing is great?
I get it. I was there.


katy ursta, success as a beachbody coach, personal development ideas, best personal development events, entreleadership 2017, dave ramsey entreleadership, business boutique event,
Chris Hogan and I at Entreleadership 2017

A couple of weeks ago I returned home from Entreleadership, a 3 Day Summit Event for Business Owners and Leaders.  It was an opportunity of a lifetime to hear from some of the best speakers and motivators in the world- including Simon Sinek, Dave Ramsey, and Patrick Lencoini.

It’s funny to look at this event, and think about the first time Ihad ever heard the term “personal development.” You see, the first time someone handed me a personal development book, I was sitting in my classroom, grading papers, when an email popped onto my desktop.  Our building principal wanted to do a book study with Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

With a deep sigh, I remember thinking, “Great. Another ‘to-do’ item.  Doesn’t he know PSSA’s are coming?”

katy ursta, success as a beachbody coach, personal development ideas, best personal development events, entreleadership 2017, dave ramsey entreleadership, business boutique event,
Watching Simon Sinek Speak

Looking back now, I think of that first introduction, and realize just how much I didn’t know.  I didn’t see the value. I didn’t understand the purpose.  I didn’t know the impact it could have on my life.  It was another to-do.  Because I just didn’t know, I didn’t grow.

Months later, when I started my Beachbody business, I again was introduced to this concept of personal development.  It was called a vital behavior of the business.  I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand the power of the written word, but I knew how to follow directions.  So I picked up my first book, and read “The Slight Edge,” cover to cover in about 2 days.

I was hooked. 

I am not sure exactly what words in the book spoke to me, but I do know the idea of small habits create the big changes.  It wasn’t about making drastic changes in my life, it was about the small choices I could make daily to improve my life.

From motivation, to personal business growth, to devotionals, to business strategy. From audio to podcasts to hardcover or paperback… I have spent at least 10 minutes every day for the past 5 years reading.  Doesn’t seem like much does it?  10 minutes?  You can’t even dry your hair in that time. But it’s changed every thing.

katy ursta, success as a beachbody coach, personal development ideas, best personal development events, entreleadership 2017, dave ramsey entreleadership, business boutique event,
Everyday for 10 Minutes, I Read.

Let’s look at the math.
10 minutes each day.
365 days a year
5 years.

That’s 18,250 minutes I’ve spent learning how to become a better leader, coach, mom, entrepeneur.  It’s the minutes that I’ve slowly learned how to overcome setback.  It’s the minutes that I’ve made the choice to carry on when it’s easier to quit.  I’ll be honest- I now spend closer to one hour a day focusing on my mindset.  But can you imagine if you started applying 10 minutes a day?

It’s those minutes, the seemingly small, insiginificant ones where word became the power to move mountains.

And it started with a choice. I chose to be influenced by success instead of held back by ignorance. 

katy ursta, success as a beachbody coach, personal development ideas, best personal development events, entreleadership 2017, dave ramsey entreleadership, business boutique event,
Dave Ramsey Talking About Daily Choices

A couple years ago I wrote a blog post with some of my favorite books.  I just wanted to take a couple minutes to update you with some of my newest favorites.  These are the books that have inspired me to figure out WHY I coach, WHY I write, WHY I overcome, and WHY it all matters.

I hope you find one that sings to you too.

Present Over Perfect  Shauna Niequist writes about leaving behind the constant state of frazzled and overwhelmed and the motion to adopt a less chaotic way of living. This is a much needed book for those who’ve ever felt ruled by their calendar.

Made to Crave  Lysa Terkeurst writes a book about why we struggle with craving food, and how we can replace this type of craving for a closer connection to God. My challengers often use this in our support groups.

The Energy Bus  Told in the form of a fictional story, this book is about creating a team culture of people driven to move forward. Short, easy to understand and a great way to dive into the hearbeat of your own organization.  Jon Gordon

Fascinate  A book about how we look at social media marketing and why certain ads appeal to others and others turn us off. Sally Hogshead

Business Boutique  Christy Wright, a Dave Ramsey speaker, writes about how to  create income doing what you love.  This is a great toolkit for those already starting their own businesses.  She provides easy to follow action items at the end of each chapter.

Take the Stairs  A no BS approach to getting your work done.  Rory Vaden  talks about the approach to building a successful business is hard work- not luck.  Motivation at it’s finest!

Entreleadership Dave Ramsey provides biblically based teachings to empower leaders to become servant leaders in their organization.

Grit A research based book on the understanding of effort and talent.  Angela Duck takes you on a journey of reflection and self discovery with data driven results about the impact of effort.

katy ursta, success as a beachbody coach, personal development ideas, best personal development events, entreleadership 2017, dave ramsey entreleadership, business boutique event,
The To-Do List Starts Here.

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