Raise your hand if you have ever been the girl who stepped on the scale with one foot instead of two, or the girl who secretly hit up the snack cabinet long after the kids went to bed. Are you the one who cried over everything and found comfort with food, or who let a number determine her worth? Have you ever thought everyone else was mommin’ better, and the one who believed that she wasn’t good enough to go after what she really wanted. Lastly are you the one who, time and time again, attempted to pour from an empty cup? Does this sound familiar? If so, then girl, you need the wash your face challenge!

Girl, it’s time to wash your face.
I am looking for 20 women who are SERIOUS and committed to losing 6-10+ pounds in 30 days with the support of a private virtual community of women and my mentorship.
I also looking for the following:
Women who want to crave something more than the snacks in the pantry and will commit to will commit to giving up a personal unhealthy VICE they’ve been using as a crutch: ie online shopping, sugar, alcohol, diet coke, (fill in the blank.) for 30 days.
Those who are ready to examine some of the falsehoods that have left us feeling overwhelmed and unworthy
Women who are serious about making a change in their eating, nutrition and fitness and most importantly the conversation they have with themselves.
I am looking for women who will commit to giving up a personal unhealthy VICE they’ve been using as a crutch: ie online shopping, sugar, alcohol, diet coke, (fill in the blank.)
This group is created for women who NEED a permanent solution at home and need a STRONG support system to help them stay accountable.
You will participate in an at home fitness program, read Girl Wash Your Face with Rachel Hollis and follow a dialed in nutrition plan. You will also have the opportunity to participate in Katy’s Weekly Coach Corner Meeting.
Be ready to commit!
There will be no guess work.
There is no “might”, “should” or “could possibly” work.
- Enrollment period is open from the 15th- 26th of August.
- Aug. 26th-Sept 2nd we will spend one using the group guide, and prep week to optimize our results.
- The group itself will run from Monday September 3rd-October 1st.
Complete the form below to reserve your spot.
*Ask me how to receive your free copy of Rachel Hollis’ Girl Wash Your Face as a VIP enrollee.