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Your Official Invite: Cize Test Group!

“Weight will start to go down, when you lose the baggage that’s holding it up. ” -@ShaunTfitness

cize, cize launch, summit 2015, shaun t cize

In 9 Days the hottest workout release is coming to TeamBeachbody and I am thrilled to announce the launch of the BETA TEST GROUP!  as soon as it arrives. 

In CIZE the only thing standing between you and the body you want…is YOU.  The end of exercise as we know it is coming. 

Every day you’ll push a little harder, go a little longer, and dig a little deeper. You’ll have so much fun challenging yourself to master the dance choreography during this program that you won’t even realize you are getting a great cardio workout. CIZE truly is “The end of exercize.”

cize, cize launch, shaun t workout

This is FUN workouts that are broken down into STEPS for the any “dancer”  at any level.  It’s not about the crazy push ups and diamond jumps… it’s really about focusing on a BEAT.  The beat moves you to the results you want!

Guess What!? 
I am looking for  about 20 participants who want to join me for an exclusive ELITE TEAM OPPORTUNITY.  I have been asked to run a BETA TEST GROUP  for the program!  I am actually looking to fill spots in the following categories:

Beginner:  These participants are new to working out or haven’t worked out in awhile and are looking to begin a workout and nutritional plan. You don’t love anything that feels like a workout but you also wouldn’t call yourself a dancer… (unless it involves a couple of drinks at your best friend’s wedding).
Likely, the goal  of this program is weight loss, lower blood pressure, and learn more about healthy living, but to stick with it, IT HAS TO BE FUN!  These participants will be following the beginner portion of the program. These participants will be working exclusively with me!  

Shaun t, cize workout, cize launch date, what is cize

Advanced:  These participants have some background in dance and are ready to move at a faster pace.  It’s easy for you to pick up choreography, and you love the challenge of a new program!  You are looking to dust off your dancing shoes, lose weight, tone up, or get back into working out!  You need your workout to be FUN!  You will be working with a trained dancer, Taylor Molitierno, to really focus on the mastering the moves and your nutrition!

If any of these categories describe you, then I WOULD LOVE FOR you to participate right along with me.  Here’s the opportunity I have:

  • Daily accountability
  • Nutritional plan
  • Recipes
  • Tips and motivation
  • Opportunity to win $500 
  • A FREE T-Shirt

Fill out the application below or email me at kdursta@gmail.com for more information! 

Oh and I totally forgot to mention-  this is totally 100% guaranteed to work.  If it doesn’t, send it back for a FULL refund! #truestatement!

Cize launch date, what is cize, cize test group

I bought Insanity 3 years ago after looking at P90 and thinking that was way too hard! I attempted the program three times on my own before I was finally able to complete it with the help of a challenge group.  The challenge group (in this case, THE BETA TEST GROUP), is the secret sauce to success.  Daily tips, recipes, motivation:  you name it, you’ve got it.  
ALL the tools needed for a success story!   

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