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21 Days of Fix Friendly Recipes: Porkchops and Sweet Medallions

21 day fix recipes, 21 day fix, what is the 21 day fix

I posted this recipe on my INSTAGRAM page and got a TON of inquiries! So like any social media maniac, I took it to the BLOG to share!


It’s so easy a kid could do it.  (But warning- they shouldn’t because it does involve the oven!)

Not sure what the FIX is?  The 21 Day Fix is the program created by Beachbody and Autumn Calabrese that incorporates a portion control color system to help you maximize results over 21 days. 

I remember thinking that the recipes would be bland and boring, but I found that COMPLETELY UNTRUE!  Cooking clean can be extremely tasty! Not to mention you will feel amazing incorporating so many nutrient dense foods into your daily diet!

Pork Chops and Sweet Medallions

Pork chops
Salt, pepper, and garlic to taste

2 Large Sweet Potatoes
Oil mist

what is the 21 day fix, does the 21 day fix work, testimonial 21 day fix
These Little Containers Could be the Secret Sauce!

Peel and slice sweet potatoes into circular shape.
Boil sweet potato slices for about 5 minutes.
Remove from water and place on a tray.
Spray with olive oil mist.
Spice with salt, pepper, and a little cayenne pepper

Grill porkchops until cooked through.  We used our Foreman Grill.
Serve with a side of veggies!

1 Red
1 Yellow
1 Green

Are you interested in learning more about the 21 Day Fix and how I’ve been able to help hundreds achieve their goals through my 21 Days of Gratitude Group:  Health, Wellness and all the Blessings Between?  Complete the application below and let’s talk! 

Let’s get you started on your journey to a happier, healthier more confident version of yourself.

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