21 day fix + max30 insanity part two katy ursta Max:30 shaun t new workout shaun t sneak peek shaun t test group

Max30: Preparing for Insanity Part Two

Sure! I will totally run a BETA Test group Shaun T!

So the HOTTEST workout from Shaun T is set to hit shelves in early December and I am REALLY pumped to announce that I am going to be running an exclusive BETA TEST GROUP as soon as it arrives. In INSANITY MAX:30, the only thing standing between you and the body you want…is YOU. Every day you’ll push a little harder, go a little longer, and dig a little deeper. It’s not about finishing the workout—it’s about seeing how far you’ll go before you MAX OUT.
One more minute. One more rep. One step closer to the body you want. INSANITY MAX:30.

Guess What!? 
I am looking for  about 20 participants who want to join me for an exclusive ELITE TEAM OPPORTUNITY.  I have been asked to run a BETA TEST GROUP  for the program!  I am actually looking to fill spots in the following categories:

Click the pic!

Beginner:  These participants are new to working out or haven’t worked out in awhile and are looking to begin a workout and nutritional plan.  Likely, the goal is weight loss, lower blood pressure, and learn more about healthy living.  These participants will be following the modification to the program.
How you likely felt about INSANITY:
1. Bananas? No.   The program was just a little too intense for you.  Too much jumping.  Too fast paced.
2. What’s Insanity?

Giving Coack Kirsten a little sneak peek!

Intermediate:  Participants in this category work out casually but struggle to make it a routine.  They likely want to lose weight, tone up, and learn more about incorporating healthy recipes into their diet.  They will follow modifications when necessary and focus on improving personal “MAX OUT”  times at each work out.
How you likely felt about INSANITY:
1. It’s on my shelf.  I tried a couple workouts but never completed the program.
2. It doesn’t look like my jam.

Advanced:  At this level participants have completed rigorous programs before and have high cardio endurance.  These participants will likely not need to follow modifications and will focus on building endurance throughout the program. At this level participants have an understanding of clean eating but need new ideas for recipes and meal plans to spice it up!
How you likely felt about INSANITY:
1.  #Nailedit
2.  Insanity???? I went straight to ASYLUM.


If any of these categories describe you, then I WOULD LOVE FOR you to participate right along with me.  Here’s the opportunity I have:

  • Daily accountability
  • Nutritional plan
  • Recipes
  • Tips and motivation
  • Opportunity to win $500 
  • A FREE T-Shirt

Fill out the application or send me an email at kdursta@gmail.com!

Bring on the BETA!

Oh and I totally forgot to mention-  this is totally 100% guaranteed to work.  If it doesn’t, send it back for a FULL refund! #truestatement!

I bought Insanity 3 years ago after looking at P90 and thinking that was way too hard! I attempted the program three times on my own before I was finally able to complete it with the help of a challenge group.  The challenge group (in this case, THE BETA TEST GROUP), is the secret sauce to success.  Daily tips, recipes, motivation:  you name it, you’ve got it.  ALL the tools needed for a success story!  
I’ve had the chance to try a sneak peek of the workout: Sweat Intervals and I maxed out at  17 minutes.  What do I mean by that?  Check out this preview!

If you want to be one of the first to know about Insanity Max 30’s release in December (BEFORE CHRISTMAS) or you would like to be in my very first group that I run make sure to fill out the application below to be added to the Facebook group and the list!!!

Fill out my online form.
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